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Class 3

This week our lecturer covered in more detail what the “Elevator Pitch” would consist of, as the majority of the class were still unsure what exactly it would entail. Personally I thought that we had to do it from the perspective of what course we were doing in D.I.T. My understanding was that I would try and sell myself as a visual communicator, that the person in the lift might be someone who was in the position to hire me for some work. However the lecturer explained that the topic could be anything and that it was going to be a fairly informal affair, the idea was just to get participants in the class to get used to talking and presenting in the virtual environment.

Next the class was split into groups, I was assigned to the red group. The group project was to give a presentation in the virtual environment, this would be based on how we think technology and virtual environments will effect jobs and the working environment in the future.

During the class we discussed the pros and cons of working in a group, we also talked about some things which could aid us in the group work process. In particular we discussed the “Form, Storm, Norm, Perform” method.

To end the class the lecturer advised us to set up a general facebook group that all the class could join so we could have another more relaxed atmosphere to keep up to date with events and queries concerned with the module. LouHug took the initiative and set one up for the class.  


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