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Class 4

Today we mostly discussed our group project most of us had read through the brief but many of us still had queries as to what was expected from us. This project brief is a group orientated project and it will test whether or not we can work as one cohesive group. However he did state that if the group was having difficulties we should record and reflect on them, could we have done anything different as a group? is there anything that would have helped the group dynamic? This was comforting as even if we failed in some areas it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing as we could analyse what went wrong and try to learn something from it. We would also be marked individually on our input to the group which also put me at ease as in my experience it can be quite a task to get everybody working together as one cohesive group. This was apparent to me as my group was unable to meet before this class, myself included, although we have have our facebook group set up so we at least have some form of communication available to us. All of my group were currently in the final stages of a large project from one of our other modules this is ending with an exhibition held in a venue outside college and is also representing an outside organisation which we were under a lot of pressure to uphold the colleges reputation, so we decided to postpone our meeting till before the next class.


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